Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ups and Downs (but mostly Ups)

One of the biggests Downs is that none of the other trips have posted after actually leaving (but some don't even have internet, so...), which means we decided it was even more necessary for us to blog blog away.

The metro ride actually was smooth for the most part, until we got to the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Station (yes, we really are that close to UMD), where the escalator from hell was turned off, and we didn't know there was an elevator--which means we walked up all 50 trillion steps, some of us with extremely heavy bags and unimpressed people behind us, pushing us from behind. We never actually counted the steps, but as Joelle will attest, it was never ending. Seriously kept thinking it was over before it was. None of us could walk initially. We do realize that we are whiners and those of you in like Appalachia (reading this later) just got heat or something. We apologize.

However, we absolutely love the Loftstel (shameless plug: Really nice and confusing to the typical views of a "hostel." Besides, all the non-ASB people here are really cool. Joelle and I have a room in the basement to ourselves (no one in the top bunks) but it is usually the storage room so it's not like we're spoiled. The other girls are all together, and Christian and Peter are with...some other guys. Original going to War Monuments plan for today fell apart due to our increased fatigue after not having to lug things anymore, so we've moved it to tomorrow and instead went group grocery shopping. Produce department at Safeway? Now sold out. Cait and Maryanne made fantastic chicken/tofu (5 of 10 of us are basically vegetarian if not actually) fajitas, and then we did a bonding session playing Scrabble/Life. I came ahead at the bitter end in Scrabble and got 61 points in one turn for the win. I'm totally gloating right now, yes. I was also playing Life for the first time ever and at one point was $300,000 in the hole but gambled at the very end and became Millionaire Tycoon = won that too. Feel badly for that, actually. Thought the gamble would ensure my loss, but...

We did something actually relevant by watching Operation Homecoming. Anyone that has no idea what that is, Google it (Google will take over the world) and watch some of it. It is so intense and deep. Surprising too. I'd give examples, but a) I just tried and it lost all of its significance; my typing it here has REALLY watered it down and 2) I feel like maybe you'd be more willing to see it if I don't give away the best parts. (And yes, I did do a and 2--it's from Paul Reiser and you'll see it often in my blogs--also long posts because I don't shut up.)

On the whole everything is going well and we're really excited about our topic and working on Veterans' Affairs/finding out more about it all. Siced for our trip and hope you are too (yours or ours, whichever)!

More from one of us later,

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